Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Neat Nicki

Hey, it's Nicki and I feel like I haven't written here in FOREVER!!!!! Anyway, we didn't do much today because we were all still tired, but we played, bought groceries, and took Coconut, Sprocket, and Honey down in the woods to run around. Now we're making dinner (it's 5:22 our time) and we plan on making chocolate chip cookies later. We might watch a movie on T.V. or something too. Anyway, I better go help the other girls. Love, Nicki

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chloe! I am on Doll Diaries also, and I've read every single post on here since the day this blgo started! Every time you do a new post, I read it. It's on my favorite blog list on my blog, www.samanthassisters.blogspot.com.

